Young Enterprise competition France

We have been preparing for the YEE FRance competiton for almost two years. There were four countries competing. France, Italy, Spain and Slovakia.

The teacher visited each country to know better coulture but also to get to know young students who are hopeful new enterpreneurs.

We had to make up our own enterprises and present them in France the final week in April 2016.

We also got to know the city Angouleme and we went to Cognac aswell.

We had an itercultural evening where we could prepare some traditional foods.

We also made new friendships and the whole week was very friendly and nice. We went to french school to speak with students and work on activities.

We also had a chance to speak with people from bank and from french companies in the city.

Even though we did not win the competition we recieved new experiences, new friends and got to travel to france.

