The school year is in full swing and we bring you tips and tricks, which you have to try. We are offering you these tips. 1. DIY exercise book: *choose your favorite pictures or drawings from social media sites or magazines *cut out it and create collage how you want to *with glue or tape […]
Autor: Lea
Demian, Hermann Hesse
Dear readers, Have you read: Demian, written by Hermann Hesse? Have you known Hermann Hesse? Hermann Karl Hesse(1877 – 1962) was a German-born Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual’s search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. A […]
Greeting from Austria

Hey! I´m very glad I can share my experiences with you again. Now I´m in Austria one and half month and I have a really good time. Oh, sorry: WE have a really good time! So I´m going to write you a few lines about our adventure. Enjoy! About us We are just simple girls and one boy. We […]
Unconditional Basic Income
UBI is a human right SPEAKERS Klaus Sambor Technical University Vienna Telekom Austria – Research Department Internet Europe UBI Austria (Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen) Uli Sambor School of Economics in Vienna 1 IBM Austria UBI Austria (Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen) Alexander Stredak Vienna University of Economics and Business Controlling CEE UBI Slovakia LECTURE on 12th […]
EU visitors
SLOVAKIA proud country of EU Hotel Academy as a host of EU members. Not only the host but also a representant, an ideal and a partner. Our invitation by our traditions : folk music, national costume, typical Slovak warmth and habits. Everything was so excellent, welcome drinks, food delicious, our hearts full of warm, love and friendship. […]
Easy and suitable for party 1. Sweet – spacy – solty 2. Vegetable – fruit – legume 3. Apricot – plumbe – peach 4. Strawberry – cherry – chocolateplum 5. Caprese – chichoto – ravioly
Our uniforms
First classes have uniforms in different colours. 1.F and 1.G have light blue, 1.M have academy blue, 1.A have navy blue. At the beginning it was hard to wear and combinate them. After some time we found out that it is super combinable with sweatshirts, pullovers, skirts and basic jeans or pants. Our teachers have […]