SLOVAKIA proud country of EU Hotel Academy as a host of EU members. Not only the host but also a representant, an ideal and a partner. Our invitation by our traditions : folk music, national costume, typical Slovak warmth and habits. Everything was so excellent, welcome drinks, food delicious, our hearts full of warm, love and friendship. […]
Mesiac: február 2017
1. When I stand up too quickly, I …………………….. look worried am spinning feel dizzy spin my head 2. If you………………………, this medicine should help you. get constipated feel […]
Easy and suitable for party 1. Sweet – spacy – solty 2. Vegetable – fruit – legume 3. Apricot – plumbe – peach 4. Strawberry – cherry – chocolateplum 5. Caprese – chichoto – ravioly
Our uniforms
First classes have uniforms in different colours. 1.F and 1.G have light blue, 1.M have academy blue, 1.A have navy blue. At the beginning it was hard to wear and combinate them. After some time we found out that it is super combinable with sweatshirts, pullovers, skirts and basic jeans or pants. Our teachers have […]
Danubius Gastro 2017

We have been preparing for three weeks to do our best at Danubius Gastro competiton 2017 that was this january in Bratislava. The team of cookers competed in december in thier skills against other school and they succsseded. They had to make their own menu from fish and chicken and prepare desert. Along the way […]
History of our school management and it’s activities
Tradition of trade, crafts, services, and international contacts has its roots in the Middle Ages. In proportion to the development of crafts also apprenticeship system was being developed. The industrialists and entrepreneurs of Žilina associated in Zilina Industrial Body have built a New Art Nouveau Building, known as the House of Artisans, in 1910, the […]